The following strands have been developed for the conference:
- The role of teacher education in Education for All
- Partnerships and networks
- Preservice education: Policies for attracting and retaining quality teachers
- Continuing professional development
- ICT and teacher education
- Balancing local and global issues: knowledge creation, pedagogy, curriculum, professional experiences
- Moving the Education for All agenda beyond 2015.
You are invited to submit proposals for papers, roundtables, or poster sessions that address these strands. Presentations may be grouped together by content by the conference organizers. The goal is to provide for various opportunities for interaction among attendees and keynote speakers. If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please follow the format below.
Types of Presentations
Papers: Paper presentations should be planned for about 20 minutes in length. Audience participation is encouraged as are multi-media presentations.
Roundtables: Papers of common interest may be grouped together at tables so participants can visit several presenters during the time slot. Presenters will give short summaries of their work and encourage questions and participation.
Poster sessions: Presenters will prepare posters and handouts that describe their research or projects. Attendees may move from display to display and engage in discussion with the presenters.
Download Proposal Format (MS Word file).
A published Proceedings will be prepared and displayed on the WFATE website following the conference. Completed papers are due no later than December 7th, 2012. There will be instructions for submission of the completed paper on the WFATE website.
Please e-mail proposal to Dr. Jane McCarthy, by October 8, 2012.
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2012-10-12.
Related Sites
Association for Teacher Educators in Africa
World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education
Association for Teacher Education in Europe
Association of Teacher Educators
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