Last modified: 2017-12-04
The WHO/UNICEF have recently disseminated the Care for Child Developmentcurriculum for training community health workers (CHWs) to provide counseling onearly childhood development to parents during routine home visits in low resourcecountries. We propose to integrate it with a ‘human-computer hybrid’ platform thatfunctions as a 2-way SMS communication tool to engage parents on ECD issues andempower CHWs to provide psychosocial support on a more frequent basis. We willidentify high risk, vulnerable families to augment in-person and mobile interfaceto further address mental health, community health promotion model and earlychildhood development. We will also identify three areas of growing concern whichinclude engagement with male caregiver/s, high risk parents/mothers and deepeningpsychosocial support over mobile interface. Finally, we will address how our hybridmodel integrates several ECD and MCMH approaches in offering a unique communityhealth promotion framework, health workforce and parental empowerment.
Relevance to innovation. The proposed model of ECD delivery leverages onexisting mobile technology to enhance efficiency and supervision of the delivery ofECD packages developed by WHO. It is a process innovation for public use that isaimed at improving neurodevelopmental outcomes for children and can be used in anylow income setting with access to mobile technology and trained health personnel.