University of Nairobi Conferences Portal, Innovation Research Symposium 2017

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Exploring the use of Web 2.0 Tools in Teaching English in Secondary Schools
Selina Kulo

Last modified: 2017-12-04


With the demand of globalization, creative and innovative ways of accessinglearning information should be embraced in secondary schools. Web 2.0 technologiesdemonstrate interest in learning. This study explored the use of weblogs and podcastsin teaching English language. 36 teachers of English in Kisumu West Sub Countyparticipated in the survey. Findings from the study revealed that Web 2.0 tools couldenhance the teaching of English though many schools lacked resources. However, Web2.0 tools could be accessed on smart phones. The study concluded that Web 2.0 toolsshould be embedded in the curriculum as learners become active in a collaborativeand interactive learning environment. The study recommended that schools shouldbe equipped with computers or use mobile learning to enable integration of Web 2.0tools. The Ministry of Education Science and Technology should facilitate internetconnection to schools or provide technological resource centres for access to suchtechnologies.

Relevance to innovation. Use of Web 2.0 tools creates a social, interactive andcollaborative learning environment where learners scaffold one another when theycreate and share materials at the same time giving comments. A learner centredenvironment is enabled as learners ensure effectiveness in the work shared knowingit is meant for a wider audience. Besides, learning is not restricted to the confinesof the classroom but rather information can be accessed once one has an internetenabled phone. The teacher on the other hand can use m-learning by projectinglearning materials on an interactive board..

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